Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A week's worth of Italian events!!

Ciao, tutti!!  I am SO sorry it has been over a week since I last blogged.  We started our performances this week, so I've been super busy with all of that.  Let me start from the beginning--

Early last week, Emily and I went hiking on this huge mountain/hill right near my house.  It was wonderful!  It has been so long since I've done any sort of physical activity, so it was nice to feel my heart beating and sweat a little.  We saw lots of horses, goats, and chickens that people living on the mountain had in their yards and beautiful views!

After our great hike, we went to the "Chiesa dei Morti" The Church of the Dead.  In the church, they have several mummies encassed in glass.  In the old Urbania, only rich people were ever buried in caskets.  All of the other people were buried in the ground, which caused a natural mummification of the bodies.  All of the mummies has such interesting stories behind them and I loved being able to see the bones of the bodies.  It was odd to think that they all used to people with lives and families.  

A few of the mummies

Friday, we had our second of many concerts.  It was in this beautiful castle called, Castello Brancaleoni in the town of Piobbico.  I did 2 of my scenes and they went really well!  I was so happy to have them finished, but so sad that I won't get to perform them again. 

The trio after singing "È Moncherin" from Donizetti's "Rita"

Saturday, several of us took a trip to Pesaro, a town nearby that is on the Adriatic Sea.  We took the God forsaken 7:20 am bus and arrived in the town at 8:50.  We went to Rossini's house, walked around town,  and went to the beach for several hours.  What an amazing time!  At one point, we swam out to these large rocks in the ocean and climbed on them.  There were mussels growing on them and I cracked one open and ate it right there!  Yum :)  We all proceeded to skinny dip and enjoy the freedom of being in Europe!  The ride home, which included a connecting bus in another town, was less fun, as we were all exhausteddd. 

Emily and me enjoying a beer with our lunch at the beach.

Yesterday, we had yet another concert at the beautiful Chiesa di San Filippo in the nearby town of Fossombrone.  I didn't have to sing save for 2 chorus roles, which was nice.  The church was absolutely GORGEOUS and Baroque to the max!  

We've started another week here in Urbania and I can't believe that I have 3 more weeks until I come home!  My Italian has gotten so good and I am thrilled!  I've even started to learn abbreviations that Italians use when they send SMS and some of the dialect that Urbanians use!  We've started watching the Lord of the Rings movies in Italian and it's great practice!  I definitely look forward to keeping up this practice when I go back home to the States.  

Miss you all back home!  I promise to update more frequently now that our performances are winding down (at least, for now)!

 Baci baci,

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