Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My European Debut (sort of...)

Hey, everybody!

Sorry it's been so long since my last posting!  These last few days in Italy have been truly remarkable.  I am really starting to get comfortable here and can really feel myself growing artistically.  Rehearsals for our scenes are always the highlight of my day because I get the chance to experiment, learn from the older singers, and push myself.

It's been a rainy week here in Italy.  There was even flooding and hail (which is common in Italy's summers...weird!) in Florence on Sunday!  This weather is kind of a drag because I really need to do my laundry, but there's no way it'll dry out on the line if it keeps this up.  Oh yeah...we do our laundry by hand and let it dry out in the yard on the line...haha so funny.  My Italian mom showed me how to do it and she was throwing her underwear all over the fence in the yard...I was mortified!

Last night, I made my Italian concert début!  Our program has performed several concerts of arias/art songs before we embarked on our normal scene performance schedule.  It was nerve wracking to be singing an Italian song for a room full of Italians, but I felt happy with how I did!  I'm excited for our next performance on the 14th!

This Sunday, we have the opportunity to go on an "excursion," as the school calls it, to San Marino and then to the beaches of Rimini.  I really hope the weather cooperates because I would love to have a little break from school and coachings for a bit.  

I miss you all in the States and hope you are doing well.  I leave you with this picture of my main squeeze Emily, myself, and our favourite Italian mojitos. 

All my love,

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