Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A meeting of the nations...


Classes and coachings have all been going well here in Urbania.  I had private coachings with Håkan Hagegård and Benton Hess this week and they both went really well!  Both said I sang quite well and helped me with my vowels and consonants.  I'm singing so bright while I'm here (well, it feels like that in my head), but I don't feel self-conscious about it.  I think it's a combination of all of the Italians speaking so brightly, which makes me used to it, and just an acceptance of not being able to rely on what my voice sounds like to me in my head.  Everything sings a little easier this way, so I'll be interested to see where it goes.

We had this great party the other night at school with all of the students...what a hilarious time.  There are a bunch of kids from China here and they were ALL about taking pictures with us.  We all talked in a mixture of broken English and Italian (I threw in what little Chinese that I knew) and somehow made it work.  It was wonderful, nonetheless.

Luckily, I have today off from music coachings (thank goodness!) and today will be a pretty light day, as far as coachings are concerned.  All of my scenes are so fun and I can't wait to really polish them with everyone :D

Miss you all!

Ciao, tutti!

A meeting of the East and West 

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