Saturday, June 11, 2011

My first European fashion show

Hello, all!

My second week in Italy has come and gone; I can hardly believe it!  I am absolutely obsessed with this city/country and already plan on coming back next summer or at least that's the dream at this point.  The views are wonderful, the food is delicious, the people amazing, and all of my friends here are great.  Maybe I'll just "accidentaly" miss my flight home and spend the rest of my days in Urbania.  I could handle that.

Last night, we all went out to see a fashion show that was happening in the centre of town.  Now...they weren't the best clothes (see the dress that was inspired by Italy's flag below.  Her "girls" almost made a surprise appearance several times as she walked.  Mamma mia!) or the best models, but it was something and it was a nice splash in our week.  I was surprised by how many people were there!  It literally seemed like almost everyone in Urbania had turned out for the event, which says a lot about them I think.  They are all about supporting each other and the arts, it seems.

I can't even handle this.

Only part of the huge crowd!

Earlier this week, my friend Emily and I went to our friends' house and made pasta (Literally--we rolled the dough and everything!), fried zucchini flowers with mozzarella (so odd, but so yummy!) along with other side dishes.  It was such a fun time and fulfilled my dream of making pasta in Italy.

It's almost as though we're from beautiful Italia!

On Sunday, some of us are taking a trip with the school to San Marino, which is its own country on the east coast of Italy, and then to the city of Rimini for a nice time at the beach.  I cannot wait!  Both places are beautiful and it will be nice to get away for a day.

After this week starts, it is a whirlwind of performances on all of the scenes that we've been preparing whilst being here.  I sing a duet on Tuesday and cannot be more excited!  I need to practice memorizing some of my other pieces, but they're not too far off from being memorized (thankfully!).  Expect videos to start popping up on my blog more frequently as I get to perform in some wonderful venues.

I miss everyone back home and hope that everyone is well!

Bacio bacio,

Me with famous Baritone Håkan Hagegård after a coaching.  He told me that I had a beautiful voice and is my facebook friend.  No big deal.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha "now they weren't the best clothes..." love it
