Friday, May 27, 2011

So the time has come...

Well, folks, today is the day!  I leave Charlotte around 3 this afternoon, weather permitting (and it BETTER permit it!) and will arrive in New Jersey around 5, then Brussels around 7:30 a.m. tomorrow and then finally arrive in Italia at 11:30.  Oy.  I just hope that nothing is delayed and all my bags arrive on time with me.  Speaking of bags, what a packing nightmare last night was.  Having to pack so much formal wear for our concerts was a pain (plus, I just wear a ton of clothes), but I was able to get it all packed up.  Hopefully I don't go over the 50 lb. weight limit.  If I do, I'm just going to have to pay the $25 charge, because there's no where I could displace some things.  C'est la guerre.

I wish you all the best and will blog as soon as I can.  As far as I know, there's only one coffee shop with wi-fi in the town, but I will get there as often as I can.


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