Saturday, May 14, 2011

Less that 2 weeks...

Well, I am officially past the 2 weeks mark.  This time, on the 28th, I'll be flying from Belgium into Italy.  It's all still very surreal.

I am thrilled to be a part of such an outstanding program, but also very nervous.  Flying transatlantic and making so many conencting flights, the HUGE amount of difficult music that I have to memorize by the time I leave (oops...), and the calibre of singers with which I will be singing alongside.  So many of these singers are from conservatories, namely Eastman and Juilliard, with some being professionals already (one woman is part of the Met's young artist program...she is LITERALLY living my dream life).  I just find it hard to believe that I was considered good enough to sing alonside them, especially after some mixed reviews of my singing at competitions this year...I suppose it's all subjective.

Regardless, the music I am singing is so thrilling to me and I cannot wait to work on it more this summer.  I am also very excited to meet my host family!  I've been trying to decide if I should call them "mamma" and "papà"...? Thoughts?  I will be there for 6 weeks afterall...I suppose we'll see.  Also, I keep trying to decide what I should bring them as a gift?  What is intrinsically American...or North Carolinian for that matter?  Their city is a huge producer of ceramics, so pottery is out.  Maybe something from the Native Americans...or is that just cheesy?  At worst, I could bring them a gallon of sweet tea and a hushpuppy.  Or peanut butter--Can you believe they don't have peanut butter in Italy?!  I mean, I don't like it that much...but what if I get a hankerin' or something?? I'll pack an emergency Reese's, just incase.

All for now--Enjoying my remaining days in the US of A.

Con amore,

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